Monday, February 20, 2023

How to Keep Your Live Bait Alive When Camping and Fishing

When it comes to camping and fishing, having live bait can make a big difference in your success on the water. But keeping your live bait alive while camping can be a challenge, especially if you don't have access to a refrigerator or other modern conveniences. In this blog post, we'll go over some tips for keeping your live bait alive when camping and fishing.

  1. Keep Your Live Bait Cool

The key to keeping live bait alive when camping is to keep it cool. This is especially important during the summer months, when temperatures can soar and water temperatures can rise. To keep your live bait cool, store it in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs. You can also wrap your bait in a wet towel or burlap sack and keep it in a shady spot.

  1. Change the Water

If you're using live bait that needs to be in water, such as minnows or crayfish, make sure to change the water regularly. Stale water can quickly deplete the oxygen levels, which can be deadly for your bait. To change the water, simply pour out the old water and add fresh, cool water to the container.

  1. Use a Bait Bucket with an Aerator

One of the best ways to keep your live bait alive when camping is to use a bait bucket with an aerator. An aerator will continuously pump fresh air into the water, which will help keep your bait alive and healthy. Bait buckets with aerators can be found at most sporting goods stores and are an excellent investment if you plan on camping and fishing frequently.

  1. Keep Your Bait Out of Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can quickly heat up your bait and deplete oxygen levels, which can be deadly for your bait. To avoid this, keep your bait out of direct sunlight and in a shady spot. You can also use a bait bucket with a lid to further protect your bait from the sun.

  1. Don't Overcrowd Your Bait

Overcrowding your bait can quickly deplete the oxygen levels in the water, which can be deadly for your bait. Make sure to only put a few pieces of live bait in each container or bucket, and avoid overcrowding. If you have a lot of live bait, use multiple containers or buckets to spread them out.

  1. Handle Your Bait Gently

Live bait is delicate and can be easily injured or killed if handled roughly. When handling your bait, make sure to be gentle and avoid jostling them around too much. This will help keep your bait healthy and alive for longer.

Keeping your live bait alive when camping and fishing can be a challenge, but with the right techniques, it's definitely achievable. Remember to keep your live bait cool, change the water regularly, use a bait bucket with an aerator, keep your bait out of direct sunlight, avoid overcrowding, and handle your bait gently. By following these tips, you'll increase your chances of having live bait that's healthy and alive, which will ultimately lead to more success on the water.